Tuesday, October 22, 2013


 "You can strategically put an outfit together but in order for you rock it you must compiment it with the right personality"

Love Brent style because he wears confidence with every outfit he put on. Although, he started out as freshman in the U of Fashion. Since I have seen him progress from an ugly graphic t- shirt wearing dude to a rocking the all day swag MAN. 

To check out some more of Brent's style, follow him IG BMaajor
Go check out some of his music: www.outrageouzmusik.com
Interrogation Questions
1.)Where do you get your inspiration from? 
My inspiration comes from randomness. Whether it's 90's vintage or "up to date". I like anything that catches my eye and I work with it & around it. 

2.)Describe your style.
My style is random & diverse. I like to surprise you. But majority of the time, I'm urban.... with a splash of "classy-gentlemen". 

3.)What is your favorite article of clothing to wear? 
Im crazy for Denim Vests/Jackets, Tanks, & anything with Tribal Print! Can't do without!!!

4.)Any tips for fashion goers?
 Be yourself, but also learn how to make "yourself" stand out. For example, I make the most "simple" clothing catch your eye.... it's just all about how you put "simple" together

5.) Fave Quote
When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in the of haters trying to bring you down. In other words, DO YOU! And let NOBODY influence you to do different.

6.) How do your style collaborate with you being a upcoming dj,artist, and producer?
It depends on the event or the mood than I'm in, Whether it's Producing, DJ'n, or Singing. This may sound a little cocky but.....I'm going to find a way to stand out regardless & have you thinking "Hhmm, he's seems interesting, important, & full of talent. Let's check him out" lol

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